ASSETS | Turkish Lira (TRY) Accounts in TY | Foreign Currency (FX) Accounts in TRY | Total of Turkish Lira Accounts TRY | Total of Foreign Currencies Accounts in TRY | Grand Totals (TRY) | LIABILITIES | Turkish lira (TRY) Accounts in TRY | Foreign Currency (FX) Accounts in TRY | Total of Turkish Lira Accounts TRY | Total Of Foreign Currencies Accounts in TRY | Grand Totals (TRY) |
1 CURRENT ASSETS | 102.774.054.121 | 1 EQUITY | 1.780.800.363 | ||||||||
GOLD RESERVES | 48.366.433 | CAPITAL | 20.000.000 | 20.000.000 | |||||||
CASH | 456.339 | 5.569.944.202 | RESERVE FUNDS | 936.529.005 | 936.529.005 | ||||||
SECURITIES PORTFOLIO | 86.563.347 | 47.420.339.297 | PROVISIONS | 824.271.358 | 824.271.358 | ||||||
BANKS | 17.740.247.823 | 31.897.107.250 | |||||||||
2 EXTERNAL RESERVES | 99.870.813.658 | ||||||||||
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT BANKS | 11.029.430 | ||||||||||
DEPOSITS | | 18.757.116.392 | |||||||||
2 LOANS | 634.742.925 | 634.742.925 | a) Public Sector Deposits | 999.359.701 | | ||||||
ADVANCE ACCOUNTS | b ) Bank Deposits | 2.095.917.079 | 17.267.966.067 | ||||||||
a- Short-Term Advance to Treasury | 634.742.925 | c ) Blocked Deposits | 246.411.505 | ||||||||
b- Commercial Bank Bills | d ) Saving Deposits | 4.919.490 | 37.624.018 | ||||||||
3 MONETARY POLICY RECEIVABLES | 29.438.200 | 29.438.200 | e) Other Deposits | 1.327 | |||||||
a- Money Market Transactions | |||||||||||
LEGAL RESERVES | 2.272.980.989 | 12.740.399.591 | |||||||||
b- Open Market Operations | 29.438.200 | ||||||||||
FUNDS | 10.506.972.168 | 44.467.986.328 | |||||||||
4 LONG TERM ASSETS | 11.564.042 | ||||||||||
a ) Central Bank Funds | 222.079.284 | ||||||||||
LAND and BUILDINGS | 1.577.090 | ||||||||||
b ) Treasury Funds | 3.245.166 | 354.172 | |||||||||
(-) Depreciation | -596.899 | ||||||||||
c ) Other Funds | 1.110.782.322 | 6.688.699.649 | |||||||||
PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT and INTENGIBLE ASSETS | 23.917.448 | ||||||||||
MONETARY POLICY LIABILITIES | 1.336.106.773 | 6.689.053.821 | |||||||||
(-) Depreciation | -13.333.597 | ||||||||||
a) Central Bank Securities | 23.738.386.290 | ||||||||||
5 NON-PERFORMING LOANS ( Net) | |||||||||||
b) Money Market Transactions | 10.477.650.000 | 20.729.600.038 | |||||||||
Non-Performing Loans | 12.511.964 | c) Open Market Operations | 29.322.168 | ||||||||
Provisions For NPL (-) | -12.511.964 | ||||||||||
6 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIVABLES | 566.573 | 566.573 | |||||||||
3 MISCELLANEOUS PAYABLES | 131.928 | 131.928 | |||||||||
7 OTHER ASSETS | 3.910.416.645 | 4.421.816 | 3.914.838.462 | ||||||||
OTHER LIABILITIES | 276.366.329 | 145.292.422 | 421.658.752 | ||||||||
4 PROFIT | 5.291.799.621 | 5.291.799.621 | |||||||||
T O T A L ............. | T O T A L ......... | ||||||||||
22.384.557.694 | 84.980.646.627 | 107.365.204.322 | 24.565.355.768 | 82.799.848.553 | 107.365.204.322 |